Every year there will be divers who got hurt or killed because of scuba diving accidents.
Some through own fault but some thorough totally unforeseen situations.
Sadly many of these accidents are as a result of untrained or un-certified
divers attempting dives for which they are not qualified thus getting themselves in trouble.
To avoid all this happening so frequently, solution seems relatively simple but must be firmly established, make sure that you learn and get certified for the type of dive you are attempting.
Don't get all hyped up over the fact that you have couple of dives under your belt, then attempt a cave dive or one exploring a sunken ship. Why? Well it's simple. You are definitely not qualified which means that you would not know how to handle an emergency if one occurred.
This second tip is more of a command than a tip. NEVER EVER swim alone! Even if you are an expert swimming alone is not a good idea. My reasoning behind this second tip is that if you do get into some kind of danger or trouble then your diving partner(s) will be there to assist you in salvaging the situation.
Third, in the event that trouble arises remain calm. Do anything else except panic. If you've lost your way, look for landmarks. If you lost the rest of your group, look for them for a minute or so then surface and wait there. Once again, frantic actions, panic and struggle will not help solve the problem, and may make it worse.
Other types of accidents which typically occur while scuba diving are scrapes, scratches and cuts. These are usually not serious enough to warrant concern and the sea water itself will help to prevent infection.
Other injuries, closely related to accidents are those involving bites and stings from toxin of rays and jellyfish. These are painful, but not usually life threatening.
The final concern in scuba diving is to make the descent and ascent at a rate slow enough to prevent the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissue, commonly referred to as the ''bends” These can cause severe damage to all the systems of the body and if not treated can result in death. More divers are treated for decompression sickness than for any other injury.
If care is taken to follow all the safety rules, including understanding how your equipment works and checking it each time you dive to ensure it is working properly. If you always swim with a buddy, if you refrain from putting the hands or other body parts into crevices before you know what might be lurking in the shadow, and if you follow strict time stops when ascending and descending from the dive, you should have no problems staying safe and well and coming back to dive another time.